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Sliding Doors: Round 4

IF there's one positive for Max's Team in 2020 ... THEN it's defender Conor McKenna looking to buy a new home, obviously wants to be a one-club player.


If you recorded a thumping 300-point win over The UUFFT last week ...

then get ready for another over Max's Team this week.

If we're still not really sure how you only beat Heeney Some Milk by 20 points ...

then we know one thing, we'd hate to be The Catholic Church coming up against your motivated squad this weekend.

If Isaac Smith and Dayne Zorko were granted positional changes (like they should have been) ...

then it would've been your X-factor over the other top teams.

Isaac Smith would be BOO's second-highest scoring defender

If the fourth spot in finals is between you and Beat Jesse.

then last week's win could've been the most important for your season.

Oliver Florent provided 70 points in his first TCC outing

If three rounds in we still don't know what to make of Beat Jesse ...

then, with games coming up against the top two sides, there'll be no questions left unanswered.

If Heeney Some Milk almost upset NANA Winner in Round 3 ...

then maybe, just maybe, anything can happen against the undefeated Gabe's Team this week.

If the new fixture was kind to any team ...

then it's the 0-3 UUFFT who now seem destined for their first win of 2020.

If a 75.3 average as a midfielder is nothing to marvel at ...

then when you add DEF status, suddenly you're the thirteenth-highest averaging defender in the league.

Jack Bowes is averaging a career-high 75PPG (94BCV) and just received DEF status

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